Advertise at ELSL

Why should I read this?

If you already know our reputation, skip to pricing.

If you are an advertiser/author/publisher/freelancer/representative of an educational institution/teacher who is looking for the best achievable reach for your advertisement which is related to/has any link to the subject of English (Literature and Language), advertising at ELSL is the ideal solution you have.

Why advertise at ELSL?

ELSL is an educational website that features Sri Lanka’s most complete digital library, the world’s first Literature criticism analysis platform, a community forum for the subject of English Literature, and not to mention the country’s largest social media hub for the subject of English Literature. The website is daily visited by an average of 35000-40000 (last updated 28.05.21) visitors who are specifically interested in the subject of English.

What advertising options are available at ELSL?

ELSL – Web

Home  page top banner 

Your banner is inserted to the top of the page. It will be the 1st thing the daily 40000 visitors see when they enter the site. Designing is done (free) by the ELSL marketing team.

Home page bottom banner 

Your banner is inserted to the bottom of the page. It won’t be the 1st thing all visitors see, but they will scroll down at some point of the day. Designing is done (free) by the ELSL marketing team.

In-page banner

In-page banners have no specific rules. You get to choose the page and our advertising team will design the advertisement and insert it to the required location. They will further assist you by showing you the mostly crowded pages and the areas of pages many visitors tend to read, thanks to our new heat tracking system.

In-page popup advertisement

A pop up will trigger when anyone visits a specific page or performs a designated action. A forceful manner of advertising in our perspective.

In page link insertion 

You can insert a link to your book, online shop, or any website which features your product or service. 

ELSL – Social Media Advertising (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger) 

You can publish your advertisement through our Facebook page. You have various options to boost your advertisement which we will do with no additional payments. In the is option, you get the opportunity to customize the;

  • Social media platform
  • Age group
  • Special Interests of the targeted audience (Include/exclude)
  • Geo-location of the targeted audience
  • Number of days the ad should run
  • and many more…

    Find more details at the pricing table.

ELSL – Academic Library advertising

This option is only available if you are an author/publisher/vendor of any written documents related to the subject areas of English/English Literature/Mythology/Religion/Psychology. You have to send a sample of your book to ELSL senior staff and get their approval first. 


ELSL - Web


OptionsIn page link insertion In-page bannerHome page bottom banner In-page popup advertisementHome  page top banner 
100% impressions
High quality professional designing 
Link insertion
Image advertisement 
Forced view    
Video advertisement     

ELSL - Social Media (Fb)

Package ID#1#2#3#4#5
Daily reach*918-27001500-42002200-64002900-85003700-10700
Number of days**45555
Total reach***3672-108007500-2100011000-3200014500-4250018500-53500

* Number of people who see your advertisement. You can chose the gender, age group, geographical location your add needs to appear and more.

** The number of days your ad remains visible. you can adjust this according to your preference (except #1)

*** Total number of people who see your ad at the end of the advertising period (eg. 5 days)


Advertising request

All payments should be transferred to the following ELSL account