Farewell to barn and Stack and Tree – A.E Housman (Stanza Three)

Welcome to your Farewell to barn and Stack and Tree – A.E Housman (Stanza Three)

What is the purpose of including a mother to the poem?

What is suggested by the "rising day"?

What is the relationship between the murderer and his victim? How do you find it?

"the field" is a singular noun, why is it complemented by a plural verb "were"?

What is the overall tone of the stanza Three?

What is the effect of the simple past tense verb in the third line?

What is suggested by the repetition of the possessive pronoun 'my' between the stanza two and three?

What are the two themes suggested in the stanza three?

What is the poetic devise used in "'tis"?

Who are referred to as "us"?

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