Visual Kinaesthetic Auditory Tactile (VKAT) - Learning Model

What is VKAT?
Visual Kinaesthetic Auditory Tactile (VKAT) model is a learning system developed by ELSL. It is an incursive and an adaptive pedagogical system that uses a diverse range of contemporary social/technological trends as its approach.
The theory of the model is based on the earlier notions of the VAK model of Walter Burke Barbe and colleagues, Neil Fleming’s VARK model. VKAT is a praxis of multisensory learning, that assumes learning is better achieved once more than one sense of the learner is engaged during the process of learning/teaching.
The traditional teacher-centered education system practised in Sri Lanka is a unisensory model which targets one sense of the learner at a time – during the process of learning. Even though the traditional writing/listening/speaking activities of language learning strives to apply Multimodality, it seems that all methodologies currently used are outdated as they do not correspond with the social/technological advancement of the contemporary learner.
The Active learning principles of contemporary language learning are augmented by VKAT to assimilate the learning process with varied types of learners such as;
- Auditory and musical learners
- Visual and spatial learners
- Verbal learners
- Logical learners
- Physical learners
- Social learners
- Solitary learners